
Here's where I compile any useful resource I can get my grubby hands on. I know that there's already tons of better resource lists out there, so I'll try my best to keep it either organized or fresh and new. Hopefully both!


  • Simply Plural An app (also available on web) made for people with DID and/or Multiplicity. I don't use it, but many do
  • Pronouns.CC Much like the app Pronouns.Page, but allows for System compatibility.


  • PLURALKIT A 'Bot' for Discord that proxies messages to make it appear as though an Alter is saying it.
  • Pluralkit Switch Calender Tracks your switches on Pluralkit and shows it in a calender style layout.
  • Pluralkit.Me Manage Pluralkit on the web. Let me switch using this god dammit


  • DID-SOS An American/German Blog written to help people with DID, Written by someone with DID.
  • Worksheets for those with DID/CPTSD
  • Beauty after Bruises A support website for helping and educating those with DID/CPTSD/OSDD
  • The CTAD Clinic (YOUTUBE PAGE) Did you know The Complex Trauma and Dissociation Clinic has a youtube channel? With videos? that are aimed to help Dissociatives? I didnt until very recently! check them out!


Whatever you do, do NOT download and read these at OceanPDF! They offer free accessible textbooks and host all if not most of what I mention!
  • Coping with Trauma Related Dissociation The Bible of CDD books.
  • Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents More anchored towards those with PTSD or even just rough upbringings, but offers good insights and advice.